Vaginal Birth After C-Section (VBAC)
For mothers who've had a C-section, there are options for your next pregnancy. In the past, women were told if they had a cesarean section all subsequent births would have to be C-section, too. That's no longer true. Northwest Health offers mothers the option of a vaginal birth after cesarean, also known as VBAC, if their provider agrees it is safe to do so.
In addition to being VBAC friendly, Northwest Health and its maternity care team are happy to work with your midwife or doula. We recognize that every birth is unique and that patients work hard developing a birth plan designed for comfort and peace of mind.
The first step is to speak with your physician or provider about whether you are a candidate for a VBAC. They may review your medical records from your previous C-section to make that determination. Your prenatal visit is a good time to discuss your medical history, your concern about VBACs or having another C-section and how you will be cared for while in labor. If you're looking for a provider, visit to find someone near you in addition to information about maternity care at Northwest Health.
The VBAC Option
VBAC is an option for many women who do not need or want a repeat cesarean. According to the Mayo Clinic, benefits can include:
- No complications due to major surgery
- Often a faster and easier recovery
- Less postpartum pain for many mothers
- Less risk for serious infection
If you've decided that a VBAC is right and medically safe for you, it's a good idea to take a tour of the hospital you plan on delivering at. Northwest Health has two facilities that provide maternity care: Northwest Medical Center - Bentonville and Willow Creek Women's Hospital.
VBAC Centers of Excellence Recognition
In September 2021, the Maternal Safety Foundation recognized both Northwest Medical Center - Bentonville and Siloam Springs Regional Hospital as VBAC Centers of Excellence. This now means all of our hospitals with maternity services offer VBAC as an option. Willow Creek Women's Hospital was the first hospital in the nation to earn this recognition for its commitment to providing safe, VBAC-supportive care.
While you may consider a birthing center or a home birth, there are advantages to planning a hospital VBAC. You can benefit from the availability of an epidural for pain relief and access to cesarean section if it becomes medically necessary. Our facilities also provide a variety of options for comfort during unmedicated labor including nitrous oxide for pain relief and anxiety, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy and a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit to reduce pain. If you have questions, ask the OB navigators about what is available at the hospital you're delivering at. They will assist you step-by-step through the phases of pregnancy and beyond. You can contact the OB navigators by filling out this form.
To contact an OB Navigator near you call:
Northwest Medical Center-Bentonville: (479) 553-1266
Willow Creek Women's Hospital: (479) 684-3204