Childbirth Education at Willow Creek
Pregnancy is a joyous, exciting and sometimes uncertain journey. Education, knowledgeable doctors and staff, and a caring atmosphere close to home can make all the difference. At Willow Creek Women's Hospital, we're here to make the most memorable nine months of your life go smoothly and to help your pregnancy be a healthy one.
Mothers-to-be, their coaches and their families are invited to attend our classes. Many topics are addressed, from childbirth relaxation and breathing techniques, what to expect during labor and delivery, the coach's role, hospital care of mother and newborn and early parenthood topics.
Childbirth Education Events
Childbirth Basics
This is a one day course offered on the 1st Saturday of every month from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. This class covers basic information to prepare you for your childbirth experience and what to expect during your hospital stay. Topics include pregnancy discomforts, the changes the body goes through during labor, labor interventions, Baby Friendly practices, introductory relaxation and comfort techniques, pain management options, breastfeeding, postpartum care and newborn care with some hands on practice. You should plan for a full day of learning and a tour of the hospital, including one of the labor suites.
We recommend this class for first time mothers, around 34 weeks gestation, and their support person.
Light refreshments are available.
We also offer this class two Thursday evenings a month from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. The Thursday evening classes are broken up into 4 evening sessions over the course of 4 weeks.
We recommend this class for first time mothers, around 32 weeks gestation, and their support person.
To register for Childbirth Education classes, call (479) 684-3204. Please register for a class at least one month before your due date.
This class is held at the Willow Creek Medical Office Building, Second Floor, Room 201 at 5501 Willow Creek Drive.
Breastfeeding Basics
Find out the latest evidence-based information to help get off to a good start with breastfeeding. This class is offered monthly at Willow Creek Women's Hospital at 4301 Greathouse Springs Road in Johnson. For class dates, information or to enroll, call (479) 684-3204.
Baby Boot Camp & Infant Safety
This class will provide you with basic baby care knowledge and basic infant safety. Content includes finding a provider for baby, what baby may look like at birth (normal head molding, baby acne, stork bites, ect.), baby behavior (sleeping and crying patterns), what to expect during a typical hospital stay at Willow Creek Women's Hospital, safety in the hospital, first medications given after birth, hearing screen, use of bulb syringe, cord care, bathing, diapering, jaundice and tummy time. You will also be given accident prevention and safety tips, including basic home safety, safe sleep, car seat safety, immunizations, Shaken Baby Syndrome prevention, etc.
This class is held at the Willow Creek Medical Office Building, Second Floor, Room 201 at 5501 Willow Creek Drive.
We recommend this class for all new and expecting parents. Please call the OB Nurse Navigator at (479) 684-3204 for questions.
Labor Coping and Support
This class is an extension of the "Childbirth Basics" class that expands on the role of the support person during labor, comfort techniques, and mental and physical preparation for birth. We will go in depth into comfort measures such as breathing, relaxation, massage, analgesic and anesthesia. Your instructor has experience as a labor doula and is a member of the Willow Creek Women's Hospital team.
Postpartum Support Group (virtual)
Join us to learn about postpartum coping skills, practice relaxation techniques and delve into honoring this time of transition from the comfort of your own home.
Breastfeeding and Postpartum Support Group
Joins us for our breastfeeding support group where you will meet other new mothers, have access to an infant scale and visit with a lactation consultant. Whether breastfeeding is going well or you are struggling, all are welcome to attend this group.
Stay after to learn about postpartum coping skills, practice relaxation techniques and delve into honoring this time of transition.